Saturday, September 19, 2009

Apple Fest and more....

Today we spent a nice day, first at the Sliderock State Park near Sedona (Applefest) and later at the Sedona Community Fair held at the airport. There were no apples, they had a 17 degree frost in the spring damaging the blossoms. The park originally was started as the Pendley homestead around 1910. (Park web site)

We had our lunch on a bench with a view of the Oak Creek, see picture.

We were a little late for the fair at the airport, just had time for coffee and dessert, and browsing around some of the exhibits

Saturday, September 12, 2009

A day at Tlaquepaque, Sedona

We spent a nice day at the shopping center in center, listening to Flamenco and Mariachi music. The weather was nice with clouds moving in in the afternoon. Two days before the area experienced a flash flood that swept away son e cars in the parking lot.
Take a video tour of Tlaquepaque HERE

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Rain and fog

It finally rained Saturday and this morning we woke up with fog outside, an unusual sight in the northern Arizona desert.