Saturday, September 19, 2009

Apple Fest and more....

Today we spent a nice day, first at the Sliderock State Park near Sedona (Applefest) and later at the Sedona Community Fair held at the airport. There were no apples, they had a 17 degree frost in the spring damaging the blossoms. The park originally was started as the Pendley homestead around 1910. (Park web site)

We had our lunch on a bench with a view of the Oak Creek, see picture.

We were a little late for the fair at the airport, just had time for coffee and dessert, and browsing around some of the exhibits


  1. PIcture is small, but is that a Stuka?

  2. Sorry, could not identify. We were late and missed the various planes on display earlier.
    Picture is small but can be enlarged by clicking on it.
